Guest Post: 10 Chemical Weapons Attacks The U.S. Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About | Zero Hedge

Guest Post: 10 Chemical Weapons Attacks The U.S. Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About | Zero Hedge

The silent military coup that took over Washington

“In Britain, the distractions of the fakery of image and identity politics have not quite succeeded. A stirring has begun, though people of conscience should hurry. The judges at Nuremberg were succinct: ‘Individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity.’ The ordinary people of Syria, and countless others, and our own self-respect, deserve nothing less now.”

The silent military coup that took over Washington

Syria chemical weapons attack not ordered by Assad, says German press

Syria chemical weapons attack not ordered by Assad, says German press

Critics see contradictions in Obama administration’s Syria claims

Critics see contradictions in Obama administration’s Syria claims

EU Demands UN Report as White House Continues Push for War

Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Florida stated:

The documentary record regarding an attack on Syria consists of just two papers: a four-page unclassified summary and a 12-page classified summary. The first enumerates only the evidence in favor of an attack. I’m not allowed to tell you what’s in the classified summary, but you can draw your own conclusion.

On Thursday I asked the House Intelligence Committee staff whether there was any other documentation available, classified or unclassified. Their answer was “no.” […]

We have reached the point where the classified information system prevents even trusted members of Congress, who have security clearances, from learning essential facts, and then inhibits them from discussing and debating what they do know.

And this extends to matters of war and peace, money and blood. The ‘security state’ is drowning in its own phlegm. My position is simple: if the administration wants me to vote for war, on this occasion or on any other, then I need to know all the facts. And I’m not the only one who feels that way.

EU Demands UN Report as White House Continues Push for War